CalSTRS provides retirement benefits to California's public school educators and their beneficiaries. As an educator you're busy helping your students build their future. It's just as important to focus on yours, even early in your career. As a vested CalSTRS member you'll receive a lifetime monthly benefit when you retire. This benefit, your pension, is calculated using a formula that is based on how many years of service credit you have when you retire, your age at retirement and your final compensation amount. Each month you and your employer contribute a percentage of your pay toward your retirement benefits. Your pension is not based on the amount of money you contribute and it is not influenced by fluctuations in the investment market. We also offer Pension2 which is a voluntary defined contribution plan that lets you set aside money in a 403(b) or 457(b) investment account to help you reach your future financial retirement goals. As a CalSTRS member you also have survivor and disability benefits. Learn more about CalSTRS and the resources available to you in our Member Handbook: Learn more about supplemental savings plan Pension2: Register to attend webinars:
CalSTRS is committed to the proposition that better corporate governance leads to greater long-term value and increased returns.
Videos designed to help CalSTRS members understand their retirement goals and how Pension2 can become an intricate part of reaching those goals.