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Communities benefit from retired teachers' volunteerism

Group of smiling people presenting a large ceremonial check from the California Retired Teachers Association for over $40 million.

Representatives from the California Retired Teachers Association (CalRTA) presented a symbolic check to the Teachers' Retirement Board at its November meeting, showing the positive effect retired members have on their communities.

By totaling their reported volunteer hours, CalRTA estimates the monetary benefit to communities at more than $40 million.

CalRTA President Susan Dixon, President-elect Mark Allen and Government Relations Chair Dr. Kathy Kinley presented a check to the board for $40,825,411, symbolizing the value of a year’s worth of volunteer hours by retired educators.

They reminded the board that because of CalSTRS retirees’ pension payments, retired teachers can infuse their time into the state and local communities.

That is one of the reasons CalSTRS works hard to secure the financial future and sustain the trust of California's public-school educators and their beneficiaries. Retired educators continue to enrich and improve the world around them.

Retired teachers should check with CalSTRS before volunteering or returning to work at a CalSTRS-covered school to ensure it does not impact their monthly retirement benefit.