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Public comment

The Teachers’ Retirement Board accepts comments from the public. Public comment may be shared in writing at any time or verbally at board or committee meetings. Public comment should be limited to agenda items or to subject matter within the jurisdiction of the board or committee. Verbal comments not specific to an agenda item will be taken during Opportunities for Statements From the Public.

Teachers’ Retirement Board meetings are recorded and livestreamed voluntarily and solely as a convenience. Those providing public comment may be included in these recordings, which are available online. We reserve the right to not stream board meetings or cease streaming at any time.

Important information 
  • The Teachers’ Retirement Board has six standing committees: Appeals, Audits and Risk Management, Benefits and Services, Board Governance, Compensation, and Investments. All comments from the public must fall within the jurisdiction of the board or specific committee.
  • Public comments may be shared with the board in person or in writing. Written comments can be emailed to:
  • Public comments may be shared with the board over the phone if the meeting is conducted by teleconference as described in California Government Code section 11123.2.
  • After each agenda item, the Teachers’ Retirement Board allows time for public comment specific to that item.
  • Comments not related to an item on the agenda are heard under Opportunities for Statements From the Public
  • Verbal public comment is limited to three minutes per speaker. However, the chairperson has the discretion to adjust the time limit.
  • Prerecorded comments or videos are not permitted.
Providing public comment 

Public comment can be submitted in writing:

Teachers’ Retirement Board
P.O. Box 15275
Sacramento, CA 95851-0275

  • Hand comments to CalSTRS staff at the board or committee meeting prior to the public comment period.

For in-person public comment:

  • Speakers should arrive prior to the board or committee meeting start time for the agenda item they want to speak on.
  • To secure time to speak, speakers are encouraged to complete a Public Comment Request form and include their name, whether they are 18 years of age or older, the agenda item number, and the topic they wish to address.
  • Public Comment Request forms will be available in the board room or can be requested from staff at the board or committee meeting.
  • Public Comment Request forms should be submitted to a staff member prior to the start of the public comment period.
  • Unless otherwise grouped or organized, the board or committee chair will call speakers in the order in which Public Comment Request forms are received.

For phone public comment:

  • During the teleconference meeting, call the number included on the meeting agenda to be placed in the queue.
  • You will hear a prompt to state your name and the item number or topic you want to comment on.
  • If you are under 18, please state your first name only and your location or affiliated organization. Please do not share personal identifying information such as your last name, age or school.
  • When listening or speaking on the phone, please mute the web stream audio on your electronic device (i.e. computer, tablet, smartphone).
  • When it is your turn to speak, you will hear a beep, which will place your call into the meeting. Please wait for your prompt to speak.
  • A bell will sound to indicate when your time has ended.
  • At the end of your comment, your call will be terminated. You can resume watching the live video web stream on your electronic device.
  • There is a delay between the call-in audio and the live video web stream audio of the meeting. It is recommended that you only listen to the call-in audio while waiting to comment.
Frequently asked questions 

How long will I be allowed to speak?

  • Public comment for each speaker is limited to three minutes per agenda item.
  • The chair may adjust the amount of time allotted to each speaker and may adjust the amount of time allotted to any public comment period if they determine it necessary for the orderly conduct of business.

What if I go over my allotted time?

  • Each comment is timed. A timer and notification will indicate a speaker’s time has ended and that it’s time to conclude remarks.
  • The chair may stop a speaker from providing further public comment or recess the meeting if the speaker fails to comply.

Can I play an audio or visual recording for my public comment?

  • No, prerecorded messages and videos are not permitted. Comments from those unable to attend the meeting can be emailed or mailed to the board.

Can my group and I present together or present consecutively?

  • Do not plan for comments to be made in a particular order. The chair may decide to group speakers by topic or by organization, but requests may not be accommodated.
  • Speakers can request to transfer their time to another speaker by asking the chair. If the request to transfer time is approved, the speaker is limited to nine total minutes.

Can I submit written comments in addition to my verbal comments?

  • Yes. Written comments may be submitted by email, mail or given to CalSTRS staff.

Can I distribute materials to board members?

  • Hard copies of items can be given to staff for distribution to board members. 24 identical copies of items for distribution to board members, staff and the public should be provided to staff before the public comment period starts. Staff cannot make additional copies if less than 24 are provided. Unique or personalized material intended for specific board members will not be accepted.

Can I make public comment over the phone?

  • Yes, if the meeting is conducted by teleconference. Please see the meeting agenda to confirm if the meeting is a teleconference and the phone number to call to make public comment.

Public meetings

Teachers’ Retirement Board meetings are public. Everyone attending as a presenter or observer is expected to treat attendees, CalSTRS staff and board members with respect and courtesy at all times and must not engage in conduct that impedes the orderly conduct of business.

If a board meeting is willfully interrupted or disrupted by a person or group, the board chair may notify the person or group that they are in noncompliance with meeting procedures, request they comply, and inform them of the consequences of noncompliance. If the person or group continues to be noncompliant, the chair may order them to leave or be removed from the meeting.

CalSTRS may inspect bags, packages and purses prior to entry into the boardroom.

Access to the committee meeting room may be limited based on room capacity and to be compliant with fire and safety codes.