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About CalSTRS

CalSTRS, the California State Teachers’ Retirement System, is the largest educator-only public pension fund in the world. As a global financial services institution and state agency, our unique organizational culture emphasizes customer service, leadership and respect for our members and our colleagues.

CalSTRS provides retirement, disability and survivor benefits to California’s more than 1 million public school educators and their beneficiaries.

Our mission

Securing the financial future and sustaining the trust of California’s educators.

Our vision

Your reward—A secure retirement
Our reward—Getting you there


Our Core Values 

The CalSTRS Core Values are a set of attitudes, beliefs and behaviors that define CalSTRS and its employees.

  • Customer Service
    We never compromise on quality as we strive to meet or exceed the expectations of our customers.
  • Accountability
    We operate with transparency and accept responsibility for our actions.
  • Leadership
    We model best practices in our industry and innovate to achieve higher standards.
  • Strength
    We ensure the strength of our system by embracing a diversity of ideas and people.
  • Trust
    We conduct ourselves with integrity, acting ethically in every endeavor.
  • Respect
    We respect the needs of our members, co-workers, and others, treating everyone with fairness, honesty, and courtesy.
  • Stewardship
    We recognize our fiduciary responsibility as the foundation for all decision-making.