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Riverside Member Service Center

The Riverside Member Service Center is staffed by CalSTRS employees and located at:

3390 University Avenue, Suite 250
Riverside, CA 92501

Hours of operation

We encourage you to use and to take care of many of your account and information needs.

We are offering services at our member service center front counters Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. We are not able to provide retirement estimates or planning sessions as part of our front counter services. We can assist you with forms and answering general questions regarding your retirement. We are closed on state and federal holidays. 

We are available for member inquiries by calling 800-228-5453, between 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

View all virtual services offered.

Member services

The Riverside office provides services to all CalSTRS members. Members may also submit payments here.

This Member Service Center provides:

For additional information about services provided, contact CalSTRS.


CalSTRS is located on the second floor.

All visitors must check in at the first floor security desk.


The entrance to the underground parking garage is located off of 9th and Lime streets beneath the Citrus Tower Building. Look for the grey and orange “Citrus Tower Parking” sign to enter the garage to the left.

Do not park in the lot south of the building, to the right. You will be fined.

Take a ticket from the parking lot entrance and bring it with you. We offer free parking with validation in any unreserved spot. Handicapped parking is available on level P1.

Check in with security on the first floor. Security will provide you access to the CalSTRS suite on the second floor.

Value to members

Providing members highly personalized services to plan, manage and enjoy their retirement drives CalSTRS decision-making.

The Riverside site was selected because of its concentration of members in the Inland Empire.

The site offers:

  • Convenient freeway access
  • LEED certification
  • Quality education and benefits planning space
  • Secure parking

The site maintains the same environmental standards and energy efficiency that reflects CalSTRS’ commitment to California’s public educators and aligns business and technology changes to improve member services.